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Basalt-Dark Night
This minimalist tabletop roleplaying game is designed to get players started exploring a world of bleak, cosmic horror and unnatural existential dread, with as little time as possible spent learning rules and getting set up. The rules consist of two pages containing some general setting context, multiple tables to inspire and randomize characters and play, and an optional, streamlined mechanic.

Scenarios & Adventures

Delayed Transmission cover

Delayed Transmission
The crew of the Cormorant, employees of a terrestrial megacorp, have been dispatched to an unfamiliar system in a remote arm of the galactic sector. Their instructions are simple: rendezvous planetside with a corporate representative, who will have further instructions; provide basic support. 

But things on Tethys-IV haven't been simple lately...

Delayed Transmission is a pamphlet scenario for the Mothership™ RPG. The full scenario is contained within a trifold pamphlet (i.e., both sides of a single sheet of paper).

Gaming Supplements & Homebrew Materials

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