Homebrew Studio: Colonial Gothic

In anticipation of the then-upcoming one-shot session of Colonial Gothic, I decided to make a new character sheet for my players. The sheet that was included as a page in the 3rd edition rulebook was rather barebones, no-frills. Not that mine ended up being a paragon of style. Still, I feel that mine included some details that led to greater usability during play.

Character sheet page 1

Firstly, my sheet included a complete list of skills, which the original, while including space for them, didn't actually list them all out. With the large number of skills in play in the game, it's hard to keep track of all the skills that a character can attempt untrained, or those they can't use without training but that still exist, etc. I also find it useful to include some important reference information for players, such as the basic dice mechanic, a chart of difficulties, monetary conversion formulas, and other common, simple rules.

Character sheet page 3

As an addendum to the character sheet itself is a combat tracking sheet. Because initiative in CG is somewhat different than in many other traditional RPGs, I felt having a means to count down the initiative numbers and track who goes on what number would be useful. It's a simple sheet, but it's clearly got its utility.

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